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A collage with red on the left, blue and grey pn the right and the eye of a women in the middle.
By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Sticky Emotions in Feminist Research

A collage with red on the left, blue and grey pn the right and the eye of a women in the middle.
By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Episode Description

In this episode of Talking about Methods, Professor Linda Mulcahy talks to Dr Molly Ackhurst about sticky emotions in feminist research. Molly tells how she used collaging as an arts-based method in her research on reimagining justice after sexual violence. The speakers talk about the emotional complexity of doing sexual violence research and the importance of reckoning with the state of stuckness.

This our special podcast for International Women’s Day 2025. Follow this link to listen to the podcast on Spotify.

Readings recommended by Molly Ackhurst

Hemmings, C. (2011). Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Feminist Theory. Duke University Press.

Berlant, L. (2011). Cruel Optimism. Duke University Press.

Ahmed, S. (2014). The Cultural Politics of Emotion (NED-New edition, 2). Edinburgh University Press.

Ackhurst, M. (2024). Collaging carceral entrapments and reorientating to the imagination.Feminist Review, 138(1), pp. 84-98.


About the Speaker

Headshot of Molly ackhurst

Dr Molly Ackhurst

Lecturer in Criminology, University of Greenwich

Dr Molly Ackhurst is a Lecturer in Criminology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Greenwich. With over a decade of experience in sexual violence support, Molly's work attends to the affective elements of feminist sexual violence politics.

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