Learning from Disability Scholarship

Episode Description
In this episode (click here) of Talking about Methods, Professor Linda Mulcahy talks to Dr Flora Renz (Kent Law School) about doing research that engages with disability in legal contexts. They talk about the importance of taking intersectionality into account, the complexity of research and how we should reflect on the limitations of our research. Flora invites listeners to think about how to make one’s methods more accessible and not purely extractive. The speakers talk about the importance of using the right terminology, the impossibility to always get it right and how researchers can always learn from each other.
Readings recommended by Dr Flora Renz
Samuels, E. (2007): ‘Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time’, Disability Studies Quarterly Vol. 37 (39). Click here.
Renz, F. and Cooper, D. (2022) ‘Reimagining gender through equality law: What legal thoughtways do religion and disability offer?’, Feminist Legal Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10691-021-09481-3.