Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies

Episode Description
In this episode of Talking about Methods, Professor Linda Mulcahy goes back to basics and chats to listeners about designing a socio-legal research project and choosing between qualitative and quantitative methodologies and methods.
Readings Recommended by Professor Linda Mulcahy
Silverman, D. (2019), Interpreting Qualitative Data (SAGE).
Volume 48, issue S1 (2021) and volume 49, issue S1 (2022) of the Journal of Law and Society on Socio-Legal Methodologies.
Mulcahy, L. & Wheeler, S. (2020), ‘Couldn’t You Have Got a Computer Program to Do That for You?’ Reflections on the Impact that Machines Have on the Ways We Think About and Undertake Qualitative Research in the Socio-Legal Community. 47 Journal of Law and Society 149.
Halliday, S. & Schmidt, P. (eds.) (2010), Conducting Law and Society Research: Reflections on Methods and Practices (CUP).
Banakar, R. & Travers, M. (eds.) (2005), Theory and Method in Socio-Legal Research (Bloomsbury).