Vicarious Trauma through Research

Episode Description
In this episode of Talking about Methods, Professor Linda Mulcahy talks to Maureen Freed (University of Oxford) about vicarious trauma through research. Maureen Freed offers vicarious trauma training to researchers within the Oxford University Social Sciences Division. She emphasises that emotional work is at the core of research and talks about strategies to process exposure to trauma. Importantly, she invites us to think preventatively.
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Readings recommended by Maureen Freed
Maček, I. (2014) Engaging Violence, London: Routledge. (See especially the Introduction, by Ivana Mačed.)
Fleck, J. and Francis, R. (2021) Vicarious Trauma in the Legal Profession: a practical guide to trauma, burnout and collective care, London: Legal Action Group.
Freed, M. (2024) ‘The Emotional Work is Part of the Work’: Strategies to Maintain Researcher Emotional and Psychological Safety During Challenging Fieldwork, in Hagen, J. J., Ritholtz, S., & Delatolla, A. (Eds.) Queer Conflict Research. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press.
Procter, C., Spector, B. and Freed, M. (2024) “Field of Screams Revisited: Contending with Trauma in Ethnographic Fieldwork”, in Teaching Anthropology, Vol 13, No.2, pp.107-122.