Vanesa Giaconi on Unsplash.
Comparative Law
Matthew Dyson | 12 July 2023

Vanesa Giaconi on Unsplash.
Episode Description
Following our last episode on comparative socio-legal methods, in this episode of Talking about Methods, Professor Linda Mulcahy talks to Professor Matthew Dyson (Faculty of Law, University of Oxford) about doing comparative legal research.
Readings Recommended by Professor Matthew Dyson
Sacco, R. (1991), Legal Formants: A Dynamic Approach to Comparative Law. 39(1) American Journal of Comparative Law 1.
Samuel, G. (2009), Can legal reasoning be demystified?. 29 Legal Studies 181. Örücü, E. (2003), Comparatists and extraordinary places. In Legrand, P. & Munday, R. (eds.), Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions (CUP). Dyson, M. (2022), Explaining Tort and Crime (CUP).Further Listening
Ole Hammerslev and Hilary Sommerlad on Comparative Socio-Legal Research