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Methodological Musings

A photograph of the focus group set up, taken by Professor Linda Mulcahy and Dr Anna Tsalapatanis during their fieldwork

Putting us in our Place: Recognising the Parasitic Tendencies of the Socio-Legal Researcher

In this post, Professor Linda Mulcahy and Dr Anna Tsalapatanis reflect on the challenges of running focus groups with foodbank users and consider the parasitic nature of Socio-Legal research.

A photograph of a clerk working despite electricity shortages in Lebanon

Fieldwork in Times of Crisis: Notes from Lebanon

In this post, DPhil student Lama Karamé considers the challenges of completing fieldwork in times of crisis, reflecting upon her current empirical work within Lebanon.

A photograph of stairs

Insider or Outsider Within?

In this post, Dr Marie Burton reflects on navigating insider and outsider statuses, drawing upon her own experiences within the field and the academy.

A photo of wooden letters cut out

What can Python Know? Lessons from the (Digital) Field

In this post, Mónica Arango Olaya reflects on the use of software programmes such as Python within Socio-Legal projects. She asks what Python can really know when it comes to qualitative research.

A photograph of the mediator Xhombo, taken by Professor Pirie during fieldwork

An Anthropologist Among the Texts

In this post, Professor Fernanda Pirie discusses how, for the most part, legal anthropologists have avoided texts. She goes on to argue why legal texts should be taken seriously as social objects.

A photo of a man sitting with electricity wires, taken by Dr Stremlau during her fieldwork

From Politics to Pandemics: Fieldwork Interrupted

Dr Nicole Stremlau reflects on interruptions to fieldwork, exploring the challenges of conducting research in contexts of conflict and carrying out empirical work during the current global pandemic.

A satellite photo of electricity use above a city. Used under Unsplash License.

Controversy Analysis as Method

Dr Nathan Dobson reflects on controversy analysis as method. He begins by introducing controversy analysis and then illustrates how the method promises a range of insights for Socio-Legal Studies.

A photo of people signing a document

“Doing” Ethics: Ethical Approval and Signature Fetishism

Dr Anna Tsalapatanis reflects on ethical approval and signature fetishism. She begins by stating that there is a need to reflect on the ways in which we seek informed consent in social research.

A photo of high rise flats

What do you do when your Research Subjects Lie to You?

Professor Linda Mulcahy reflects on the ethics of partiality and explores unanticipated challenges that can arise during Socio-Legal fieldwork, drawing upon her experiences in the field.

A photo of data codes on a computer screen

Global Security Infrastructures and AI: a Method Assemblage

Dr Gavin Sullivan reflects on Global Security Infrastructures and AI. He explores the methodological challenges of security datafication as we navigate life in an era of pervasive datafication.